Keeping Athens Ohio Business in the Family.

Local Athens News


0 Comments 15 May 2012

On our lush and intricately constructed world of oak, seaweed, wool, perfume, and plaster of paris, we follow the story of a hockey goaltender who, in 1959, finally got tired of the brutality of his position.  He invented the first hockey mask and wore it onto the ice.  It would be fourteen years before wearing a hockey mask was anything more than a personal choice.  Meanwhile, a mountain-lion circles the perimeter, and the sinister third party attempts to turn nature into a eulogy.  In response, neighbors become friends and seek to regain lost human skill.  We ask you to become our allies, to remember a time when we could run as fast as horses, when our powers of memorization were uncanny, and when we could take photographs with our eyes.

Using found, re-purposed, and salvaged materials from around SE Ohio, and even from as far away as Iceland, this play uses masks, glow-in-the dark macrame, and intricate papercuts to tell the story.  The otherworldly music of Jordan O Jordan draws from a variety of musical traditions, including Appalachian Hambone.

8 PM
132 W. State Street.
5 – 15 dollars at door
The play is an hour long and is not aimed at, but is appropriate for, children.


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